Our People

We are Law360 Canada.
Matthew Grace
Managing Editor
Telephone: 905-415-5828 | E-mail: matthew.grace@lexisnexis.ca
Matthew joined in 2011, working in several capacities at The Lawyers Weekly until assuming the role of managing editor of Law360 Canada. Matthew completed his LL.B. at the University of Ottawa, and his undergraduate degree at Western University where he was awarded the Gold Medal in criminology for highest standing in the program.
Richard Skinulis
Analysis Editor
Telephone: 437-828-6772 | E-mail: richard.skinulis@lexisnexis.ca
Richard joined the editorial team in 2013 as the Focus editor. He studied journalism at Humber College and has been a professional journalist for over 40 years, working as a reporter and editor for publications as diverse as The Ottawa Citizen, Canadian Security Magazine, Readers Digest and The Financial Post Magazine. He has published six books.
Richard covers Wills, Trusts & Estates; Civil Litigation; Immigration; In-House Counsel; Business Law.
Peter Carter
Analysis Editor
Telephone: 647-776-6740 | E-mail: peter.carter@lexisnexis.ca
Since 1987, Peter has worked for publications including Financial Post Magazine, Chatelaine, Today's Trucking, Toronto Sun and Harrowsmith Country Life in various roles from Editor-in-Chief to Senior Editor to Columnist. His journalism career has landed him the Governor General Roland Michener Award for Meritorious Public Service Journalism and several Kenneth R. Wilson business journalism awards. In 2014, his blog Pete's Blog & Grille was named best business blog in Canada by the Canadian Online Publishing Awards.
Peter covers Natural Resources; Criminal; Labour & Employment; Intellectual Property; Real Estate.
Yvette Trancoso
Analysis Editor
Telephone: 905-415-5811 | E-mail: yvette.trancoso-barrett@lexisnexis.ca
Yvette has a B.A. in English from York University and has taken courses in magazine publishing at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University). Her creative writing has gained her acceptance into the Humber School for Writers summer workshop and participation in Diaspora Dialogues Mentoring Program for writers. She has more than 15 years' experience as an associate editor for accounting publications CAmagazine and CPA Magazine, and has written for an event marketing blog. Yvette is responsible for these areas of practice: Family Law; Insurance; Personal Injury; Tax.
John Chunn
Copy Editor
Telephone: 905-776-6739 | E-mail: j.chunn@lexisnexis.ca
John handles staff-written news articles and submissions from lawyers and accountants. He has been with Law360 Canada since February 2016. He spent more than two decades as an editor, reporter, layout editor and assistant sports editor for the Toronto Star and before that as a copy editor with the Palm Beach Post news desk. At the Star he covered such events as the Queen's Plate and Kentucky Derby.
Cristin Schmitz
Ottawa Bureau Chief
Telephone: 613-820-2794 | E-mail: cristin.schmitz@lexisnexis.ca
Cristin covers the Supreme Court of Canada, federal courts and tribunals, Parliament, and the gamut of law at all court levels. She has written on legal issues for the general media and U.S. media, and reported from Kosovo and Afghanistan for newspapers and television during those armed conflicts. She has been with Law360 Canada and predecessor publications, in both editing and reporting roles, since 1983, and opened the Ottawa bureau in 1988. She is an active member, and former president, of the Canadian Parliamentary Press Gallery, and is a member of the media liaison committees of the Supreme Court and the Federal Court.
Amanda Jerome
Digital Reporter
Telephone: 416-524-2152 | E-mail: amanda.jerome@lexisnexis.ca
Amanda has worked with Law360 Canada since its launch in 2017. Before joining LexisNexis Canada, she worked as a freelance journalist, with her work featured in such publications as the National Post, Yahoo Canada News, Metroland Media outlets, and Praxis English. Amanda’s writing background also includes corporate communications as she worked in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto for five years as a communications liaison.
Amanda covers Ontario and Northwest Territories.
Ian Burns
Digital Reporter
Telephone: 905-415-5906 | E-mail: ian.burns@lexisnexis.ca
Prior to joining Law360 Canada, Ian worked as a journalist with the Metroland Media-owned Mirror newspaper in Midland, Ontario, covering the southern Georgian Bay area. Before making the transition to journalism, Ian worked throughout municipal, and provincial governments. He holds a diploma in journalism from Humber College, a B.A. in Political Science from McMaster University, and an M.A. in Public Administration from Carleton University.
Ian covers British Columbia, Alberta and Yukon.
Terry Davidson
Digital Reporter
Telephone: 905-415-5899 | E-mail: t.davidson@lexisnexis.ca
Terry has been in print journalism since graduating from Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) in 2007. Both while still in school and since graduating, he has enjoyed writing news and features for the National Post, the Toronto Star, The Chinese News Group, New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal and, most recently, the Toronto Sun.
Terry covers Saskatchewan; Manitoba; Newfoundland; Nova Scotia; New Brunswick; P.E.I.; Nunavut.
Anosha Khan
Digital Reporter, Legal Wire
Telephone: 905-415-5838 | E-mail: anosha.khan@lexisnexis.ca
Prior to joining Law360 Canada’s Legal Wire team in 2022, Anosha worked as a print journalist for such publications as LiveWire Calgary, the Calgary Journal and Nature Canada. She earned a Bachelor of Communication - Journalism degree from Mount Royal University in Calgary in 2021, after receiving a diploma in Paralegal Education from Humber College and interning as a paralegal in Toronto.
Karunjit Singh
Digital Reporter, Legal Wire
Telephone: 905-415-5859 | E-mail: karunjit.singh@lexisnexis.ca
Karunjit worked as a business reporter in India for The Indian Express and The Economic Times ― and previously as a financial analyst and research analyst ― before joining Law360 Canada’s Legal Wire team in 2023. He earned a Bachelor of Business Economics degree from Delhi University in 2011 and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Journalism from the Asian College of Journalism in Chennai, India in 2018.
Jeff Gulyes
Senior Product Manager
E-mail: jeff.gulyes@lexisnexis.ca
Scott Welsh
Circulation Controller
E-mail: scott.welsh@lexisnexis.ca
Timon Sisic
Senior Sales Manager
E-mail: timon.sisic@lexisnexis.ca
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